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Program Description
The undergraduate Certificate Program in the Study of Spirituality grounds students in traditional forms of spirituality through a foundation course, REL 3027 Meditation and Mystical Traditions (3 credits). REL 3027 is the entry course and is offered regularly, often on-line, by the Department of Religious Studies, and will serve as a grounding in the methods pertinent for the study of spirituality, as well as literacy in the world’s traditions of spirituality.
The certificate includes four additional courses (12 credits) in both traditional and “applied” spirituality selected according to a student’s professional goals or personal interests, in consultation with a Program Director. To ensure a multidisciplinary approach, no more than half of a student’s program may come from any one department.
A list of approved courses is maintained on the Center’s website. Other courses may be substituted provided the professor certifies that 33% or more of the course is “spirituality-related” and the student submits this certification together with a course syllabus.
The certificate application form should be submitted to the program director to enroll in the certificate program. Once completing the requirements, the checklist, needs to be submitted with a copy of the student’s transcript where, upon university approval, the student will be presented with the Certificate. All documents should be sent to spiritual@fiu.edu, cagrenie@fiu.edu or:
Carlos Grenier
Florida International University
Modesto Maidique Campus
11200 SW 8th Street, DM 301C,
Miami, FL 33199
For more information, please contact us at (305) 348-2186.